Developer guide¶
Running the tests¶
The following will discover and run all unit test:
pip install -e .[testing]
pytest -v
Automatic coding style checks¶
Enable enable automatic checks of code sanity and coding style:
pip install -e .[pre-commit]
pre-commit install
After this, the yapf formatter, the pylint linter and the pylint code analyzer will run at every commit.
If you ever need to skip these pre-commit hooks, just use:
git commit -n
Continuous integration¶
comes with a .github
folder that contains continuous integration tests on every commit using GitHub Actions. It will:
run all tests for the
ORMbuild the documentation
check coding style and version number (not required to pass by default)
Building the documentation¶
Install the
extra:pip install -e .[docs]Edit the individual documentation pages:
docs/source/index.rst docs/source/developer_guide/index.rst docs/source/user_guide/index.rst docs/source/user_guide/get_started.rst docs/source/user_guide/tutorial.rstUse Sphinx to generate the html documentation:
cd docs make
Check the result by opening build/html/index.html
in your browser.
Publishing the documentation¶
Once you’re happy with your documentation, it’s easy to host it online on ReadTheDocs:
Create an account on ReadTheDocs
Import your
repository (preferably usingaiida-champ
as the project name)
The documentation is now available at
PyPI release¶
Your plugin is ready to be uploaded to the Python Package Index. Just register for an account and:
pip install twine
python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
After this, you (and everyone else) should be able to:
pip install aiida-champ
You can also enable automatic deployment of git tags to the python package index:
simply generate a PyPI API token for your PyPI account and add it as a secret to your GitHub repository under the name pypi_token
(Go to Settings -> Secrets).
When updating the plugin package to a new version, remember to update the version number both in setup.json
and aiida_champ/